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Researchers of the Amsterdam People Analytics Centre (APAC) publish in highly ranked academic refereed and other international journals on a regular basis. Find an overview of our selections international publications and practitioner oriented outlets.

(Strategic) Human Resource Management

Biron, M., Boon, C., Farndale, E., and Bamberger, P. (2024). Human Resource Strategy: Formulation, Implementation, Impact (3rd edition). Routledge. 

Boon, C., Jiang, K., and Eckardt, R. (2024). The role of time in strategic human resource management research: A review and research agendaJournal of Management. 

Kim, S., Wang, Y., and Boon, C. (2021). Sixty years of research on technology and human resource management: Looking back and  looking forwardHuman Resource Management, 60(1), 229–247.

Mayrhofer, W., Biemann, T., Koch‐Bayram, I., & Rapp, M. L. (2024). Context is key: A 34‐country analysis investigating how similar HRM systems emerge from similar contextsHuman Resource Management63(2), 355-371.

Snell, S.A., Swart, J., Morris, S., and Boon, C. (2023). The HR ecosystem: Emerging trends and a future research agendaHuman Resource Management, 62(1), 5-14.

Applications and adoption of people analytics in organizations

Bentvelzen, M., Boon, C., and Den Hartog, D.N. (2024). A person-centered approach to individual people analytics adoptionJournal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance.

Yuan, S., Kroon, B., & Kramer, A. (2024). Building prediction models with grouped data: A case study on the prediction of turnover intentionHuman Resource Management Journal34(1), 20-38.

Zhang, Z., Yao, X., Yuan, S., Deng, Y., & Guo, C. (2021). Big five personality influences trajectories of information seeking behaviorPersonality and Individual Differences173, 110631.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

Bader, B., Bucher, J., & Sarabi, A. (2024). Female expatriates on the move? Gender diversity management in global mobilityHuman Resource Management Journal, 34(3), 753–780. 

Sarabi, A., & Lehmann, N. (2024). Who Shortlists? Evidence on Gender Disparities in Hiring Outcomes. Administrative Science Quarterly, 0(0). 

Methodology in People Analytics

Kobayashi, V. B., Mol, S. T., Berkers, H. A., Kismihók, G., & Den Hartog, D. N. (2018). Text Mining in Organizational Research. Organizational Research Methods, 21(3), 733-765.

Kobayashi, V. B., Mol, S. T., Berkers, H. A., Kismihók, G., & Den Hartog, D. N. (2018). Text Classification for Organizational Researchers: A Tutorial. Organizational Research Methods, 21(3), 766-799.

Vrolijk, J., Mol, S. T., Weber, C., Tavakoli, M., Kismihók, G., & Pelucchi, M. (2022, January). Ontojob: Automated ontology learning from labor market data. In 2022 IEEE 16th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC) (pp. 195-200). IEEE.

Yuan, S., De Roover, K., Dufner, M., Denissen, J. J. A., & Van Deun, K. (2021). Revealing Subgroups That Differ in Common and Distinctive Variation in Multi-Block Data: Clusterwise Sparse Simultaneous Component AnalysisSocial Science Computer Review39(5), 802-820. 

Yuan, S., De Roover, K., & Van Deun, K. (2023). Simultaneous clustering and variable selection: A novel algorithm and model selection procedureBehavior Research Methods55(5), 2157-2174. 

Practice-oriented articles

5 Reasons why your In-house HR assessment will fail (and how to avoid that) by Juliana Almeida 

How to best approach HR strategy implementation by Corine Boon

Narcissistic Leaders: How To Avoid When Hiring by Annebel de Hoogh and Corine Boon

Analyzing resilience and well-being at work: a multi-level perspective by Joanna Ritz

How to measure employee experience?, by Corine Boon

The benefits of integrating creativity and data analytics, by Yan Shao