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Dr. A. (Armin) Pircher Verdorfer

Faculty of Economics and Business
Sectie Leadership & Management

Visiting address
  • Plantage Muidergracht 12
  • Room number: 1.26
Postal address
  • Postbus 15953
    1001 NL Amsterdam
  • Profile


    Associate Professor

    Co-Director of the Amsterdam Center for Responsible Leadership (ARLead)

    Research Programme

    Leadership and Management

    Research Interests

    Leadership Ethics; Destructive Leadership; Change Management; Moral and Prosocial Development in the Workplace



  • Teaching

    Current Year

    Change Management (MSc, EMBA, MBA)


    Project Qualitative Research Methods and Analysis (BSc)


  • Publications



    • Decuypere, A., & Pircher Verdorfer, A. (2022). Leader Attentive Communication: A new Communication Concept, Validation and Scale Development. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 29(4), 424-442. [details]



    • Egorov, M., Kalshoven, F., Pircher Verdorfer, A., & Peus, C. (2020). It’s a Match: Moralization and the Effects of Moral Foundations Congruence on Ethical and Unethical Leadership Perception. Journal of Business Ethics, 167(4), 707-723.
    • Pircher Verdorfer, A., & Peus, C. (2020). Leading by example: Testing a moderated mediation model of ethical leadership, value congruence, and followers' openness to ethical influence. Business Ethics: A European review, 29(2), 314-332. [details]


    • Arendt, J. F. W., Verdorfer, A. P., & Kugler, K. G. (2019). Mindfulness and leadership: Communication as a behavioral correlate of leader mindfulness and its effect on follower satisfaction. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(MAR), Article 667.
    • Egorov, M., Pircher Verdorfer, A., & Peus, C. (2019). Taming the Emotional Dog: Moral Intuition and Ethically-Oriented Leader Development. Journal of Business Ethics, 160(3), 817–834. [details]
    • Pircher Verdorfer, A. (2019). The paradox of serving: Can genuine servant leadership gain followers’ respect for the leader? Evidence from Germany and Lithuania. German Journal of Human Resource Management, 33(2), 113-136.
    • Schmid, E. A., Pircher Verdorfer, A., & Peus, C. (2019). Shedding Light on Leaders’ Self-Interest: Theory and Measurement of Exploitative Leadership. Journal of Management, 45(4), 1401-1433.


    • Pfrombeck, J., & Pircher Verdorfer, A. (2018). How Psychological Capital and Sense of Coherence Enhance Servant Leadership and Buffer Leader Stress: Preliminary Insights from an Empirical Study. Servant Leadership: Theory & Practice, 5(1), 25-48.
    • Schmid, E. A., Verdorfer, A. P., & Peus, C. V. (2018). Different shades-different effects? Consequences of different types of destructive leadership. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(JUL), Article 1289.


    • Lacroix , M., & Pircher Verdorfer, A. (2017). Can Servant Leaders Fuel the Leadership Fire? The Relationship between Servant Leadership and Followers’ Leadership Avoidance. Administrative Sciences, Article 2017, 7, 6.
    • Van Dierendonck, D., Sousa, M., Gunnarsdottir, S., Bobbio, A., Hakanen, J., Verdorfer, A. P., Duyan, E. C., & Rodriguez-Carvajal, R. (2017). The Cross-Cultural Invariance of the Servant Leadership Survey: A Comparative Study across Eight Countries. Administrative Sciences, 7(2).



    • Pircher Verdorfer, A., Steinheider, B., & Burkus, D. (2015). Exploring the Socio-moral Climate in Organizations: An Empirical Examination of Determinants, Consequences, and Mediating Mechanisms. Journal of Business Ethics, 132(1), 233-248.


    • Verdorfer, A. P., & Peus, C. (2014). The measurement of servant leadership: Validation of a German version of the servant leadership survey (SLS). Zeitschrift fur Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 58(1), 1-16.


    • Verdorfer, A. P., Weber, W. G., Unterrainer, C., & Seyr, S. (2013). The relationship between organizational democracy and socio-moral climate: Exploring effects of the ethical context in organizations. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 34(3), 423-449.


    • Pircher Verdorfer, A., Weber, W., & Seyr, S. (2008). Die Analyse der Soziomoralischen Atmosphäre als Bestandteil des Organisationsklimas. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 10(4), 91-103.


    • Arendt, J. F. W., & Pircher Verdorfer, A. (2025). Mindful Communication Scale (MCS). In O. N. Medvedev, C. U. Krägeloh, R. J. Siegert, & N. N. Singh (Eds.), Handbook of Assessment in Mindfulness Research Springer Nature.


    • Egorov, M., & Pircher Verdorfer, A. (2020). Moral Intuition and Moral Leader Development. In M. Sinclair (Ed.), Handbook of Intuition Research as Practice (pp. 157-167). (Handbooks of Business and Management Research as Practice). Edward Elgar Publishing. [details]
    • Schmid, E., & Pircher Verdorfer, A. (2020). Gerechtes Führen: Wie sich ethisches und destruktives Führungsverhalten auf die Mitarbeitenden auswirkt. In B. Badura, A. Ducki, H. Schröder, J. Klose, & M. Meyer (Eds.), Fehlzeiten-Report 2020: Gerechtigkeit und Gesundheit (pp. 165-175). Springer. [details]


    • Pircher Verdorfer, A., & Arendt, J. F. W. (2018). Mindfulness as a building block for servant leadership. In D. Van Dierendonck, & K. Patterson (Eds.), Practicing Servant Leadership - Developments in Implementation (pp. 101-116). Palgrave Macmillan.


    • Egorov, M., & Pircher Verdorfer, A. (2017). Leadership Moral Foundations. In D. Poff, & A. Michalos (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics (Living ed.). Springer.
    • Steinheider, B., & Pircher Verdorfer, A. (2017). Climate Change? Exploring the Role of Organisational Climate for Psychological Ownership. In C. Olckers, L. van Zyl, & L. van der Vaart (Eds.), Theoretical Orientations and Practical Applications of Psychological Ownership (pp. 275-293). Springer.


    • Pircher Verdorfer, A., & Peus, C. (2015). Servant Leadership. In J. Felfe (Ed.), Trends der Psychologischen Führungsforschung (pp. 67-77). Hogrefe Verlag Gottingen.



    • Steinheider, B., Wuestewald, T., & Pircher Verdorfer, A. (2012). Changing Police Managers’ Attitudes towards Participative Management: Translating Research-based Knowledge into Practical Solutions. In W. Weber, M. Thoma, A. Ostendorf, & L. Chisholm (Eds.), Democratic Competences and Social Practices in Organizations (pp. 144-161). Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH and Co Berlin.


    • Fladerer, M., Zwarg, C., & Pircher Verdorfer, A. (2024). Arbeitgeberwechsel: Karriereentscheidung mit Folgen. OrganisationsEntwicklung, 2024(4), 116-117.




    • Sparr, J., Pircher Verdorfer, A., Zeng, M., & Peus, C. (2012). Innovation und Forschungsleistung an den Universitäten: Hindernisse und Chancen aus der Perspektive von Wissenschaftlern und Wissenschaftsmanagern. Hochschulmanagement , 7, 98-104.


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  • Ancillary activities
    • TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning
      Teaching Workshops