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The 13th online Amsterdam People Analytics Centre (APAC) Academy session with Isabella Scheibmayr (University of Salzburg) took place on October 3rd, 2024.
Event details of Online APAC Academy session: "Paradox incentives by algorithmic HRM – the role of work task and transparency"
3 October 2024
16:00 -16:45

About this Academy session:

While the misalignment of incentives between employees and employers is as old as management science, advances in technology and algorithmic management in particular are opening up new avenues for paradoxical and often opaque incentive structures. In her talk, Isabella will focus on this aspect against the backdrop of Strathern's paradox, as well as on the task being managed algorithmically and the transparency of respective algorithms.

Isabella Scheibmayr
Isabella Scheibmayr


Dr. Isabella Scheibmayr is currently an Assistant professor at the University of Salzburg in the HRM group (Department of Business). Isabella's research focuses on algorithmic HRM, the HRM profession and gendered processes in HRM.

Online session

This was an online session. Should you have any questions or need more information about this talk, please send an email to